Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Street Sights

This is the interior of the Línea A Subte. Word on the street is that this was the oldest line built in 1913, and the interior is still authentic. No matter if this is true or not, they definitely are older than the others, and the wooden cars make me think I'm going to Hogwarts with lots of Argentines every time I ride them.

This is a view (above) of Puerto Madero the barrio where the Catholic university (UCA) is. Its really pretty and the big white diagonal structure next to the yacht is a bridge that is supposed to synthesize the motion of a couple dancing the tango. I don't really see it, but I like the idea.

Beautiful Plaza de Mayo! This is the center of the Argentine government. The presidenta, Cristina Kirchner, works in the Casa Rosada (below) and there are lots of other important buildings surrounding. (If I take an appropriate tour one day, I'll let you know what they are.)

I finally went to the historic location of Evita's most famous speech, commemorated in the musical & movie which I love so much. (Madonna used the real balcony!) I hate to admit it, but it would be a lie if I didn't, this movie was a factor in my decision to come to Argentina. Even though it portrays B.A. in a somewhat idealized and stereotypical way, I love it. My love for musicals influences me sometimes subconsciously!

Here's one of the figures I drew in my Anatonomía class! I'm so glad I moved up to the 2nd year level because I already feel like I have learned a lot-- just by going to one session! This assignment was to draw a huge curvy, continuous line all over the page, and then use the curves to inspire the movement of the figure. It was so hard because I'm used to drawing with human models, but in class we were forced to explore fine arts improv. Mom- We're just doing gestures, so don't comment on the lack of shading all over the body.

Random discovery: apparently a more German way of spelling Fortner is Pförtner. Also, the Pförtner's of Argentina own a chain of optometry stores.

1 comment:

  1. from the financial support team-great reasearch! and thanks for pointing out that ive been mispllin my gname four almost half a century...tow knee pfortner...
