Saturday, March 20, 2010

"The Rita Influence"

Last week was the first week that any of the classes I was interested in started. I went to Plásitca y Visión, Taller de Relizaciones II, Arte y Diseño, y Historía Escenografica. Three out of those four are at "USAL" or the Universidad del Salvador, and Arte y Diseño is offered at "UCA" or Universidad Catolica de Argentina.

Out of all four, the only one I am set of taking is Plástica y Visión--its an art class in three parts: painting, pencil drawing and figure drawing. No matter what I do to prevent it, "The Rita Influence" has no cure.

My whole life art lessons/drawing/painting was something I was exposed to and taught. Being a "recovering" perfectionist, I never thought I was artistically talented because I couldn't make mine look like my mom's.

Recently, I started going to the figure drawing sessions at Columbia and found out that I really liked it, and that I maybe did have some talent. Over winter break my mom, my brother, my mom's student Kara and I all participated in a 26 hour figure drawing marathon. Guess some of that practice paid off because last Monday at the figure drawing class, the teacher said that I'm too advanced to be in level I, so he's moving me up to level II!

I'm really glad I've been channelling the Rita in me, because I've been able to find my love of art in my own way, and I've been outgoing and confident enough to make such awesome friends here. I've accepted that I can't shake the influence of Rita, and I'm glad.

I'll tell you about the classes I check out next week at "UBA" (Universidad de Buenos Aires!)


  1. oye mija, hace tiempo que llego aqui...ay, que he perdido! me ENCANTAN tus fotos y palabras...eres talentosa, hija de tus padres, siempre! te quiero mucho, tia tere

  2. Fun seeing you and talking with you on Sunday evening. It is only right that you have inherited your Mother's great Art gift ana your Father's gift of doing great woodworking with his hands. Now I know you will do great thongs of your own. You are already studying is Argentina and have traveled all over Europe. Take care Love you Nana
