Friday, March 26, 2010

Grandpa Dreams

I have been having very vivid dreams almost every night for the past couple of weeks. Maybe because school hasn't really started yet, and I'm not very stressed about anything, except whether or not I should to to Mendoza, Argentina--home of Argentine wine--for Easter weekend or not.

One of them had grandpa in it, and when this happens I like to write it down. This is my only real journal while I'm here so here it goes.

I was at Holy Family at church and Monsignor Connelly was giving his homily from a very, very high ambo when the entire Fogliani family came in late. With them came an older man who looked just like my grandpa. I instictually hugged and kissed him on the cheek and he didn't know why. Buddy told me that he was St. Jude, the saint of lost causes and that I shouldn't kiss him on the cheek. After that I woke up.

This is only the second dream I've had with my grandpa in it. I wish there were more. I really don't know what it means. I think its kinda silly that the Fogliani's came in late, and that my grandpa was St. Jude. I don't like that my grandpa didn't recognize me.

The first grandpa dream I had took place in my front yard at a party. He was pretty sick then, and I was cutting up and feeding him pieces of watermelon. That's all, it was that simple. I liked this dream a lot better, because it reminded me of my last 3 days with him in the hospital feeding him cranberry juice on little sponges.

I'm at a really good place with my grandpa-woes, I see him in all the old-Hispanic men around the city all the time. I just wish I could come home and speak spanish with him!

Speaking of Easter: We did decide to go to Mendoza, Argentina for la Semana Santa. So that's where I'll be between 31 de marzo- 4 de abril. Look it up, its supposed to be beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you! I think about grandpa all the time and am glad he is in your dreams. That means he is watching you and making sure you are safe. I love following you here so please keep updating. As far as your "mom" there, she is so lucky to have you - she doesn't even know. Love you princess :) have fun in mendoza. can't wait to see pics! happy easter :)
