Sunday, May 2, 2010


I am disgusted by Arizona's new law.

I am disgusted by people who think that they are somehow better than others on grounds of identity, beliefs, religion, sexuality, beauty, etc.

I am delighted that people are speaking out against Arizona's violation of our constitution.

Desmond Tutu's take on this injustice is beautifully written with parallels drawn to South Africa's apartheid. Read it here.

I hope that someday our country's ideals of freedom are realized for EVERY citizen in every way. We are all equally living on this earth and we have to respect each other's dignity!


  1. Alyson, this is Papa. thanks so much for the informaiton you sent about kidneys. I read it as I have lots of other stuff on theI-net regarding the surgery etc. Tomorrow is the day. Glad that you are having such a good time there. What an experience for you. Take care. Love Papa We agree its not a good law. Love Nana

  2. Am I hearing a plea for law school in your voice?

  3. Alyson: Great thinking on your part about Arizona. The people are up in arms and will not stand for it. One bad thing makes things better when oeople think straight.
    study hard.
