Tuesday Morning my alarms went off and were turned off immediately after at 7:45, 8:00 and 8:15. I finally woke up frantically at 8:30 got dressed, brushed my teeth in 5 minutes and was out the door. I watched the bus pass by me so I impulsively took a taxi and it was 8 pesos (around 2 dollars). Of course I was the first there at class (my "spanish maintenance" at the IFSA office) because all the other people in my class are slackers.
After that class I went home, ate my leftover dinner from the night before, finished my art homework for later and then left to go to class at UBA.
After my discussion section at UBA, I take the subte 6 stops to my USAL art class. This is my favorite graffiti that I pass on the way to class:
After art class I take 2 buses to get home. At one of the bus stops there is usually interesting things on the wall to look at. Ejemplo:
This stencil is all over the city and it says "Los Kirchners to jail already!" The current president is Cristina Kirchner (woman!) who is married to ex-president Nestor Kirchner. They are said to be pretty corrupt because they buy votes and bribe smaller provincias to vote for them. My host mother hates them.
I finally got home around 8pm and took a picture of this window, because its a perfect introduction to the weekend! This weekend there is ferias, concerts, performances and lots of other activities to celebrate the "200 years of history" of Argentina.
Tonight we're making chocolate chip cookies and trying to study for our various assignments. As a study break, we might watch "El Secreto de tus ojos", the Argentine movie that won the oscar! Next post will be bicentenario!
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