Niall's friend recommended this program called "Spanglish" that takes the format of speed dating for the purpose of practicing Ingles y Castellano/EspaƱol. Each pair (or in our case trio) speaks for 5 minutes in English and then 5 in Spanish. Some of the people we talked to have been 3 and 4 times! Its great practice and good to get some tips from the locals. For them its awesome because there really aren't places to practice speaking English other than touristy bars with crazy drunk Americans. They seemed really appreciative of the opportunity! Even though we are forced to speak Spanish with everyone in public, this was different because it was forced mingling with Argentines. We loved it and we're going back the next time.

After Spanglish, we met up with our Argentine friend Romina that we met in Mendoza. Sometimes she is hard to make plans with and our cultural differences keep us away from her for a while. But tonight she was super fun and we had a great time. We ate dinner at La Cabrera a pretty famous, although touristy, parilla (argentine grill). I had been waiting for a moment to go, because our group of friends are half vegetarian, so they would have never wanted to go...
Its. almost. over.
After Tuesday my life will be consumed with getting ready to go to Patagonia--which tights and sweaters to bring! My after midterm present will be Sex and the City, which I have to admit I'm pretty excited for.
I'm so happy I had a fun night in between this studying---it makes the studying worth it!
Alyson: I hope you are not drinking what is advertized!!What? 2 for 30.00 that seems so high. Money is probably different. Your good times are coming to an end and then something new will pop up.that is life!! Nothing stays the same. Sister therese