This past week has been a whirlwind unlike any other. I've reconnected with many friends from my NY life, and some from Argentina! I took my grandma to 3 doctors appointments, packed for my new apartment in NY, visited Boston and Amherst, Massachusetts, moved into my apartment, went to my first day of class and had some drinks for the first time (legally) in New York.
First highlight of this crazy week was when Sylvie, one of my closest friends from Argentina, came over for dinner. She goes to Scripps College (only 45 minutes away from my house!), so it was easy to get together. We got empanadas and Quilmes, the food and beer we consumed most in Argentina!

Then literally the next day I flew to Boston to visit Amanda, my best friend from South Pasadena. She had an internship in New York all summer, so I hadn't seen her since December 2009!!! We had a great day spent in lovely Bostonian parks, and at the Samuel Adams Brewery!

Here we are trying some delicious summer ale...

After Boston, I took a 3 hour bus ride to Amherst, MA to see Niall. It was great to see his school and see how different life in more of a rural setting is. I found it much calmer and more spread out. The little college towns were so cute and full of hippies that they reminded me of little beach towns! It was great to see him, but as all of these visits were, it was too short!

Now I'm in NY, in my own own own apartment (see below!), with my NY family and with many lists of things to do and to buy. Moving in is such a process! Rachel is sitting on my bed, and Jackie and Seth (famous from our Youtube collaborations) are sitting at my desk area.

I'm really happy to start getting more settled, because the first 2 days of being here at school have been completely overwhelming. I felt a little disconnected with my school and these people since I haven't seen and in some cases talked to them in a very long time. Slowly but surely I'll feel more at home again, and I can't wait to continue studying theatre and learning about new fields within the theatre world.
I'll post more pictures of my ADORABLE apartment when its all decorated! We're going to Target and some thrift stores to find some cool decor this weekend. Come visit!
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