Being home has been a complete whirlwind! I've worked 30+ hours in a week and a half (I know its not much but getting up early and having responsibilities even after just a short break is hard!) I've gone to the beach with my grandparents and Fortner cousins for 2 days, gone to the So Pas Farmer's Market, seen 2 plays, reunited with friends and more family and made my first summer pie! It was tart because I made it with fresh berries, but it was still yummy! And...the top crust was inspired by the Martha Stewart Valentine's Day issue last year!

Today I also hung out with Becca, Niko and a surprise appearance by our old friend Ryan! It was a truly ideal summer day and I loved every minute of it.

It ended with Stitch and Pitch (the Dodger game where we knit!). This is my little panda friend that I'm making for my friend Amanda's birthday 3 days after one week!!!!!!

Even though I have not been this exhausted in at least 5-6 months, it feels so good to know that I have people to love (and therefore spend time with) and people who love me enough to spend time with me. I think this is the worthwhile exhaustion.
P.S.-I'm reading Sula by Toni Morrison, which is beautifully written, as always. Next up: An Abundance of Katherines by John Green and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (7) by J. K. Rowling. I am so excited to get to read soon...after all the newness of being home wears off! These are easily my 3 favorite authors of all time!
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