Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What my life has become...

The past two days have seemed like a play that I'm getting really bored with and can't wait for the intermission. Here is a quick scene...(Barbara is my host mother).

BARBARA: Do you like my boots?
(barbara enters alyson's bedroom and proceeds to put her fake leopard skin boots up on the bed in front of alyson's face, dangerously close to alyson's laptop) They're like skin!
(She feels them hesitantly.) Ugggh. (She makes a sound of seemingly joking disgust, but that is really based in 5 months accumulation of real disgust.)
BARBARA: It's a dead leopard!! Ha Ha Ha.
(She walks out of room without another word, opens the door to the apartment with her keys and exits.)

The great parts about these past few days are when I'm listening to Harry Potter 5 on the way to the library, skyping my family, and dreaming about all the good things that will come when I'm done with all of this work.

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