This blog is for my friends and family to track my upcoming international adventures, and all the changes that will be happening in my life! In 4 days I will be finished with my finals, and done packing (hopefully) and will return home for Christmas! I'll be home in CA for 2 months, before I start my Study Abroad program in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'll be there for 5 months, tracking my adventures, and then return home for another 2 months before I start my senior year of college!
I'm definitely in a flux of emotion and location which is why I'm making a blog--so that you can track me and keep in touch, no matter where in the world I am.
Here are some pictures of my Thanksgiving in London, England with one of my best friends from CA, Amanda.
Here are the sugar cookies in my mom's style that I made with one of my NY best friends, Rachel to get in the Christmas-y mood!
Another recent change in my life is that I have officially decided to change my major to THEATRE! I realized that it, so far, is the love of my life, and therefore I should not let anything get in the way of learning and working towards a theatrical career. One amazing thing that helped me in this decision was my trip to Helsinki, Finland this past summer, May 09. There we saw amazing theatre--2 productions were written and directed by Kristian Smeds. The theatre professor that I went to Finland with invited him to our school and he came, gave a workshop and talked with us! I was lucky enough to pick him up from the airport! Here we are eating with him. He was incredibly inspiring and I can't wait to start my theatre life at school with his influence in mind!

Alyson, I am so proud of you. Always follow your heart. Love you.