For the past couple of weeks, I've been assisting the director of the production The Physicists being produced by Barnard's theatre department. It was a last minute opportunity offered to me by the director (who also is my directing teacher) just to take notes for her in rehearsals. It somewhat escalated into a larger commitment when I offered more of my time and she continued to use it.
It was a great decision, I learned a lot and just absolutely love being around the creation of theatre. Here's the description of the play:
Einstein. Newton. Möbius. Three men in an insane asylum believe themselves to be three of history's most brilliant scientists. Or is their madness merely a ruse, a means of hiding (or pursuing) a scientific discovery that could lead to inconceivably destructive forces being unleashed upon the world? "Drama," Swiss playwright Friedrich Dürrenmatt observed, "can dupe the spectator into exposing himself to reality, but [it] cannot compel him to withstand... or even to master it" — a fitting motto for the Barnard College Department of Theatre's 2010-11 season, which aims to "expose" audiences to the intersection of history and politics through the provisional reality of the stage. Dürrenmatt's scalding and farcical parable about the moral dilemma of the modern scientist is an excellent place to begin this yearlong project. Alice Reagan, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice, directs.
I feel honored to have been apart of this production, and I can't wait to continue to learn from Alice in my directing class. Check her out on her website here: alicereagan.com!
This semester has been one of my busiest, with visitors, rehearsals, homework, and friends. My parents are coming next weekend and Monday I start my official Stage Managing position. I will post pictures of Amanda's visit soon and of my parent's visit/Halloween after next weekend! I get scared when I think about how much I love theatre, and this semester has really seemed surreal being able to learn and experience so much related to the field I love. I feel so lucky!